The New Year’s Eve Edition

Nova DAO / Studio Nova
8 min readDec 31, 2021


Hey all, this is your trusty writing guy, Elijah.

This is probably going to be the most informal Medium you see from the Dogira team — it’s the end of a pretty big year, and it’s time for us to celebrate, look back, and usher in 2022 as “The Year of the Dogira” (you know, instead of the tiger).

However, before we descend into reflection and a little end-of-year nonsense:

A Message From Eoghan

It’s hard to believe that it’s not even been six months since the full transition to our revamped platform, but our progress in that time has been staggering — in no small part due to the efforts of the fantastic team I’ve had the pleasure of working alongside, and an incredible community who have continued to support Dogira, and the wider ambitious ecosystem we have begun to build.

Since the unveiling of our Whitepaper, we’ve launched and airdropped on to our V2 token platform following approval under third-party audit by Paladin Security, and successfully entered the cross-chain token space with finding a new home on Polygon’s high speed network.

We’ve launched our own staking platform — based off the extremely popular PancakeSwap, and massively overhauled it to remove the need for inflationary/mintable MasterChef token mechanics, coupled with our own on-chain pricing tools and bespoke staking contracts.

We’ve collaborated with fantastic projects within the Polygon, and greater blockchain ecosystem — such as Chainlink, and Apeswap. Our team has expanded to onboard seasoned industry games developers, now developing a game for release under the Dogira Studios banner. We’ve also got our first NFT/Metaverse launch inbound, showcasing our new on-demand NFT Generation Toolkit.

Kickstarting our development-driven ecosystem and building the foundations for Dogira and its associated platforms remained front-and-center for 2021, and serves as the basis for how we intend on continuing into 2022.

We’ve a lot more excitement to look forward to as we welcome the new year — and we can’t wait to show you what’s in store for it.

The Year of the Tiger

Why weren’t there more Ox coins this year?

Twenty twenty-one was “The Year of the Ox” after all; instead we got an ocean of mediocre dog coins and a small pond of deeply disappointing cat tokens. The crypto degens really let us down with a bull run and ZERO bull/ox coins. Which got me thinking…

We need more high quality, fun, Zodiak inspired tokens. So, uh, here’s some free IP for any of you in the community who are brave enough to start your own token:

Zodiak Tiger Coin ($ZTC)!

Make it gaudy, like JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure levels, give holders power levels, and turn it into an infinite Shonen tournament arc via a smart contract. It’s a flawless idea! Many ponzinomic tokens died for this one to succeed.

Don’t you dare forget us when you’ve made it 🤩

Or you know, just buy some more Dogira — NFA.

All right, back into team voice mode. Before we dive in, there are no announcements in this article. If you are still here it would be because:

  • The tiger meme was actually not that cringe (sorry)
  • You are interested in a look back at a year full of Dogira milestones
  • You are a chad who reads every Medium article no matter what

Welcome to The History of Dogira starting with…

The Big Bang

13.8 billion years ago there was a flash of light somewhere and out flew Dogira, Polygon’s premier blockchain gaming cryptocurrency! Great, now you are all caught up.

Thanks for reading.

Huh. This is what happens when you go to school out in the boonies. Seems like a few important details were skipped. Let’s try that again:

Big Bang. Earth. Moon. Dinosaurs. Extinction. Apes. Humans. Japan. Ireland. USA. Godzilla. Anime girls. Memes. BTC. ETH. Pandemic. 2021.

Okay, there we are!

Enter the Dogira

Back in the early months of 2021, after our screen-addled brains were duped into buying GameStop and AMC stocks for “the mother of all squeezes,” a lot of us were looking for the next big way to make some cash.

Some anonymous devs were out there brewing up a spicy little meme (Doge + Godzilla = $$$) and Eoghan was considering coming out of crypto retirement to take a swing at harnessing, and unleashing, a new Dogecoin contender.

Around that time Hoge was spinning up, but ultimately Eoghan set his sights on Dogira.

Then on March 19th, Eoghan posted this delightful DD on both r/SatoshiStreetBets and r/CryptoMoonShots. These two posts ultimately drew in many of the folks who would be considered “core community members” to this day (trivia: the CMS post was the one that prompted Elijah to go all-in on Dogira).

Around the time that Eoghan took over Dogira, Dan decided to stay and help, Skyler was tapped to join the team in a more official capacity. Then from late March till the end of April the community exploded!

We had AMAs hitting multiple times a week, Dogira was listed on WhiteBit (thanks to community funding from the CEX NFTs Eoghan minted up), and for a while there we were even taking over Reddit.

Then on April 19th, this post, “The Race to $1” signaled the start of Dogira V1’s meteoric run up to 70 cents.

In some ways, this was all part of our plan — we needed the V1 token to run its course for a proper relaunch of Dogira. Focusing on utility would take time and planning, and if V1 was always on the edge of explosion we would have had to shift our priorities to maintain that pressure.

From May to August, Dogira V1 crabbed while Eoghan and the team got to work prepping for V2 launch. During that time Mary joined the team, and Elijah began to write the Mediums.

Plus, we got this gem:

Dogira-chan quickly became our new mascot, made possible by Mary’s iconic handiwork. The above was a commissioned character Mary ran with, creating the spunky red-head we all know and love.

The Return of the King

With ETH gas fees quickly rivaling the 1970’s energy crisis, we began to look at alternate chains to bring Dogira V2 to, landing on Polygon ($MATIC) as an optimal choice for our future gaming functionality.

After many sleepless nights, Eoghan submitted the Whitepaper to the team for review at the beginning of August. Then, somewhere during that review period it was passed on to Elijah for a late-night editing session before final release.

The Dogira Whitepaper was released to the world on August 5th. After a few months of prepping the community for V2, the start of a new journey was in sight!

The end of August marked the turning point — Elijah was officially hired, and V2 was getting primed for launch. After an in-depth audit from Paladin, we hit the “send it” button on September 17th.

As with all dev work, though, the Dogira team had to turn their attention to what would come next. We still needed to get the ETH bridge out, our staking contract finalized, and games out of the concepting phase.

October saw the release of our ETH bridge, but with ETH’s persistently awful gas fees, traction on that front is expected to remain low. We also made a very important hire:

Jupiter Lighthouse Games was hired to create one of the first Dogira Studios titles!

Our goal in bringing Andy and Dylan onboard was to split the weight of game development; while opening up an opportunity for more than one game to be created in one development cycle. Especially given Eoghan’s overall busyness with developing contracts and features for the token, having a team that can develop a title full-time was exactly the leg-up we were looking for.

While the title of their game is still a mystery, they’re diligently working to create the best experience possible, as the debut Dogira Studios game!

Moving on to November, we crossed another major milestone; Eoghan completely gutted Pancakeswap and compiled into something quite flexible. The 21st marked the release of our much-anticipated DeFi ecosystem, Dogira.Finance.

While it’s still mind-boggling to see that our staking farm has only been live for a month and some change, we’ve seen up to a quarter of all held $DOGIRA locked up for single-staking and LP earnings.

Looking back over the year, we’ve moved some serious mountains (Eoghan in particular). Many tokens would never have made it out of their V1 phase, and many others would have not aimed to be as ambitious.

In almost every case, we have developed several more products than any other token has this year. And with intense focus from everyone on the team, along with the support of a dedicated community, each day we march closer to accomplishing our dream:

This year has seen heavenly heights and hellish lows, but having such a supportive community has made this roller coaster more than worth it.

Thank you for your commitment to the vision, support in getting the word out about Dogira, and of course all the memes, laughs, and incredible sense of community when we log onto the Telegram and Discord to check up on things.

You guys give us the extra fuel we need to drive forward. We hope you had a happy Holiday season, and are wishing you a wonderful new year!

-The Dogira Team



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