September Medium Update

Nova DAO / Studio Nova
6 min readSep 11, 2021


Dogira fans, hodlers, and lovable degens, the time for V2 is nearly upon us.

We are making the jump to Polygon where we plan to be one of the first gaming projects to call the network home.

In this month’s update, we have some reminders about the launch and airdrop, expectations to set, new hires to announce, and some housekeeping to take care of.

Without further ado, let us get to it.

The Dogira Team arrives on the Polygon network.

V2 Launch: What YOU Need to Know

If you are way behind on news, be sure to read the whitepaper.

On Friday, September 17th, we will pause trading on the token to take the snapshot of all holders and wallet amounts. If you are a WhiteBit or HotBit trader, all trading on those platforms will also be frozen.

Then on Saturday, September 18th, V2 tokens will be airdropped. Once all airdrops have been received, we will resume trading. Holders on our CEX partners will automatically have their tokens updated as well.

We will be airdropping via the Polygon network. We will also be providing some basic information on how to set up Polygon on your MetaMask wallet, so you can properly add the V2 contract and view your new tokens. Once the bridge is live you will be to able swap your tokens between Ethereum and Polygon.

In case you are unsure what you can do with the bridge, here’s a brief explanation:

  • Want to move your Dogira from MATIC to ETH? Using the bridge you pay MATIC fees, sending them to the Ethereum network.
  • Want to move your Dogira from ETH to MATIC? Using the bridge you pay ETH fees, sending them to the MATIC network.

All you need to do is connect your wallet to the bridge, set the amount of tokens you want to move, pay your fees, and watch them arrive!

Why bridge? Utilizing it will allow you to interact with your preferred DEXs and CEXs when selling your tokens, while also allowing you to move your CEX buys from the ETH network if you wish to participate in staking.

Speaking of staking, Vimerco is using their resources to support us in building our DoFi (Dogira Finance) staking and farming ecosystem. They are making excellent progress!

We cannot give hard dates yet as to when staking and farming will be deployed, however we believe we will be able to give updates in the near future as we complete the code, iron out bugs, and confirm functionality.

If you have any other questions about V2, feel free to reach out to Skyler or Eoghan via Discord or Telegram.

After V2: Setting Expectations

Much of the recent past (since researching and developing the whitepaper) has been spent preparing everything necessary to make deploying V2 as smooth as possible.

Going forward, Eoghan will be able to spend a majority of his time focusing on game development.

That said, he has been prototyping individual features/concepts, and solidity contract interactions. While we are unable to divulge details about the contents, features, and other mechanics, please know that he is hard at work to ensure that Dogira deploys engaging play-to-earn games on the MATIC network.

New Hires

Elijah MacDougall | Press and Communications

Alright, I’m going to ditch the “team speak” for a minute. In case you didn’t know, I’m MacDougall (@CopyCatCaster in the Telegram), but going forward you can refer to me by my first name: Elijah.

I’ve been bringing you these Medium posts since about June, and I’m quite excited to be supporting the team in a more official capacity. The main function of my role is to continue what I’ve been doing, which is overall copywriting support.

That said, I’ll also be using my public relations and journalistic skills to craft press releases and content leads for journalists in blockchain news. Additionally, as time goes on I’ll be developing long-form content for the Dogira team to put out, while supporting broader marketing efforts.

I’m thrilled to be here to help all of us make it. I’m more bullish on Dogira than ever (NFA) and I cannot wait to see how we usher in a new era of gaming to the blockchain!

Now, onto the other hires!

Unity Developers

Sorry to be cagey on this one, our two new hires in this area are still working on a project. Once they wrap it up though, we’ll be able to share more about who they are, their experience, and what they bring to the table.

Despite the momentary secrecy, we are whole-heartedly confident in their talents.

We will make sure we give you more information about them once we can post their pictures and bios on the website.

Joonas | Front End Developer

We would also like to welcome Joonas to the team. As our Front End Developer, he will have a hand in refreshing the website, keeping all the updates nice and tidy, among other web-dev responsibilities as they arrive.

He has 18+ years of experience in the web dev space, with about 5,000 websites under his belt. As our resident HTML/CSS wizard, he will be making all of Mary’s spicy designs and artwork come to life on the website!

Once we have a complete bio and picture from him, he will be updating our website with that information.

Housekeeping! Housekeeping!

MATIC Help Video

KGB, one of our community members, is putting together a “New to MATIC” video guide that will show you how to get the network set up on your MetaMask, along with some general info about buying, selling, and interacting with contracts.

Once the video is complete and V2 is live, we willl link it in an announcement.


That is right, we are going to be at PolyCon. As Polygon’s biggest virtual convention, we will be sending a few members of our community into the browser-based game where we can tell other convention-goers about the token and network with promising projects.

If you would like to attend, tickets are $10 and can be bought with fiat or crypto.

Gaming Tournaments

Our first official gaming tournament had four teams competing in Rocket League to win $1000 in Dogira. Through much nitrous, 720-triple-backflip-axel-spikes, and high-speed tire squealing, only one team could stand victorious.

Congrats to Pancake Gang!

Now, a new tournament approaches… One that will test your skills in bomb-defusing, corner peeking, and wrist-flick no-scoping.

Yes, this time teams of 5 will be competing in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, with $4000 of crypto on the table.

Send an email to with your team name and team members, so you can take your first step toward a hefty bag of crypto earnings!


On September 2nd, YouTuber VoskCoin released a video profile about Dogira and our mission to bring quality gaming to the blockchain. While it’s mostly about V1, and a lot of the features that’ll be going by the wayside, this is one of the better shoutouts we’ve had in a while.

Head over to his video and his Twitter to show him some love.

That’s all we’ve got for this update. Thanks for being a part of our community!

-The Dogira Team



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