July Medium Update

Nova DAO / Studio Nova
4 min readJul 11, 2021


This Medium update will be a fairly comprehensive discussion about our marketing strategy for this summer. Including what is here, we are planning to release further news about work happening in the background at a later time.

Right now, there’s uncertainty across the entire market, and investors are still actively mitigating their portfolio risks — impacting prices across the board. We are certainly not immune to this, however we do have some good news to share:

The marketing hath pushed.

Coinbound Unchained

While we certainly have a talented crew, and some marketing professionals who are prominent in the community, we generally lack the time, tools, and wherewithal to bring public relations, press releases, and more significant marketing efforts in-house.

This is where Coinbound comes in.

They are “The Crypto Marketing Agency,” and will position us to create engaging market-facing content for Dogira and activate the less degenerate within the crypto-investor class.

Considering they’ve had a significant impact on household names like eToro, Nexo, Metamask, Voyager, and a whole lot more, it’s fairly safe to say our market-facing messaging is in good hands.

Battlebots, Roll Out!

Move over Optimus, there’s a new, way more fun, way less Michael-Bay-touched, piece of robotainment to enjoy!

Dogira is sponsoring a Battlebot. This isn’t just an regular tourney either. This event will be airing on the Discovery Channel. We have the Dogira logo where it counts, and with usually an initial 1 million views for this kind of event, we are looking at an enormous awareness boost.

It’s unclear at this time if there will be any sort of spoken acknowledgement of our sponsorship by announcers, but keep in mind Dogira will be clearly visible during the tournament (barring catastrophe of course — it only takes one overconfident intern to ruin the whole thing).

We’ll have more information about airing times for you as it draws near, but for now, tell your friends, family, and mortal enemies!

Pacific Rim Crypto Push

On top of hiring Coinbound, we’ve also paid for an agency in Asia to support marketing efforts there. Because of the significant language barrier, both written and spoken, we’re deferring to the experts to get the job done.

Cropped and unfinished, these works of art along with many others are still in progress

In the coming months we hope to see a more focused uptake from the Asian market!

The Smaller Things

Let’s get you caught up on some of the smaller things that happened since the last Medium update.

The Hoge Gaming Tournament: Dogira squared off against the mighty Hoge gamer “bros” (not realizing how badly they were going to get stomped). Eoghan will compete next time because he failed to mention he was the second coming of Dale Earnhardt, but for Rocket League. Hoge, lock down those potatoes, because the Irishman is coming for ye’.

Speaking In Tongues: Recently, translations for our homepage were completed for Russian and Japanese. Through these translations we intend to appeal to diamond-handed KGB agents and Yakuza — rumor has it Dogira-chan likes her bad boys. We are set for a full-on push into Asia, with Korea next up.

Degen Entertainment Arts: No, this is not another reckless and creative ploy by the DEA to overstep their boundaries. As it turns out, having a compelling mascot means you’re bound to get the attention of some more cultured folk. In this case, Dogira wound up being one of the first five characters in Degen Arts’ Smash Bros-like, Deathmatch Battle Game. This zany, over-the-top platform brawler features Doge, Rocket Bunny, the Chad meme himself, Dogira, and of course, our gaming nemesis Hoge.

Looking Ahead

We’ve got a lot of work to do in Q3. The market has seen a lot of irritating corrections that leave us feeling like maybe the Boomers forgot that numbers above $35,000 exist.

Even though the market is one massive crab right now, it’s important to keep your eyes on the prize.

That’s all for this update. Thanks for reading, and happy holding, Shibes!

-The Dogira Team



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