June Medium Update

Nova DAO / Studio Nova
5 min readJun 11, 2021


Dogira ($DOGIRA) aims to bring a new element of use into the virtual currency world. With its launch in the first quarter of 2021, Dogira is one of the newest cryptocurrencies on the market. Despite being fresh to the market, the native blockchain cryptocurrency has long standing roots to the foundations of digital currency; one of the developers of Dogira, Eoghan Hayes, is an original cryptocurrency developer of Dogecoin. The team has also ventured into campaigns for social issues; recently Dogira was able to raise over $70,000 so far in support of animal shelters.

Our (Brief) History

The current permutation of the Dogira team is made up of a one-of-a-kind team:

  • Eoghan Hayes (pronounced Owen Hays) | Project Lead
  • Daniel Gooding | Operations Manager
  • Skyler Ramsey | Community and Marketing Management
  • A Fourth Member… She gets her own feature in a little bit 😉

Dogira, as with many crypto projects in this space, started off with memetic intentions. The original founder and team handed over ownership to Eoghan when they noticed the project growing larger than they expected.

Dan a team OG, with Eoghan at the helm of the ship, Skyler and (a now former Engineer for the project) Chris Husse jumped aboard to play pivotal roles in Dogira.

Inspired by the community, together the quartet envisioned something a bit grander than just a memecoin fate for Dogira. They started down the path of directing it toward utility; something that went beyond the usual scope of a Dex, database, and contract audit aspirations many utility tokens in this space aim for.

Leveraging Eoghan’s decade of experience working with significant companies in the tech space, and his love for creating video games, Dogira set its sights on innovating in the sorely underdeveloped realm of blockchain gaming.

What We’ve Been Up To

Here’s a quick overview of a few of the milestones and changes we’ve encountered since launch:

  • Dogira was listed on WhiteBit and HotBit
  • Partnerships with Bingus and Viralata
  • Chris stepped away from the project to pursue other opportunities
  • Launched one of the biggest fundraising movements in crypto history with Viralata or $REAU
  • Mary, an experienced artist, is now a part of our team as our official in-house artist
  • Launched a brand-new website, featuring Mary’s stellar pieces
  • Bi-Monthly “Fireside AMAs” have officially been implemented into our schedule
  • Dogira partnered with Bingus to launch an Influencer-driven NFT campaign

Some notes about the team changes…

We’re thankful for the time Chris gave to the project and contributed to the development of Dogira’s future! The team wishes him luck wherever he takes his talents and ideas.

We would also like to give Mary a VERY warm welcome to the team. If you haven’t seen her work yet, take a gander at the site, or you can download the high-resolution wallpapers below.

CEX Stuff

As we crested into May, we made the decision to capitalize on our liquidity unlock date and make some serious moves to assist buyers to purchase Dogira from CEXs with more volume whilst avoiding the fees of DEXs. We understand that Dogira’s success is informed by both the value it presents via its innovation and product, as well as the speculative valuation that comes with an excited community. By lowering our liquidity, we were able to accomplish a few things:

  • Secure funding for professional costs
  • Take advantage of a larger marketing budget
  • Pursue larger CEX listing possibilities

Because of this we’ve taken steps to allocate liquidity to secure a spot on a much larger exchange than we have previously. Due to the nature of working directly with large exchanges and the non-disclosure terms required in these circumstances, we’re unable to release any specifics at this time in regards to the partners we’re speaking with, or intended launch dates, but we’ll get you all in the loop as soon as we’re able to share more information on this!

Whitepapers and More

After Chris’ departure, the question “wenWhitepaper” has been coming up a lot. We know everyone is getting a little fatigued by Soon™, but… Now that the brand-new Dogira.net is live, Eoghan can devote his time to a great whitepaper.

The team will be working hard to continue to bring news as it comes, and we want to thank you for your patience with these market swings, team shakeups, and delayed events. Many of these things were not under our complete control, and we understand how frustrating that can be.

With all that said… There’s one last little thing we’d like to discuss.

In Q3 we’ll have a game with native blockchain functionalities!

Let’s set some expectations:

1.Development of this game is contingent on life and project conditions running smoothly. If there are fires to put out, they might eat into dev time, so Q3 is the earliest tentative date.

2.This game will be functional but… It’s a proof-of-concept. You will be able to use your Dogira, or a supplemental Dogira linked token. Please remember this is only to show how our ideas work.

Basically, this means that we’re getting the ball rolling on the first iteration of the Dogira utility.

With all that said…

Thank you for reading, hodling, and participating in the Dogira community! A quick shout out to Lanky, Kwint, Brian, Alex, McDougall, Ott, Corvid, “KGB”, Jeremy, Birgen, Kings and all the community members always helping us out. Thank you.

Our relevant links can be found here:

Telegram: https://t.me/dogiratoken

Website: https://dogira.net/

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Dogira/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DogiraOfficial

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr4ISHT-C2LHczWc8anL9_g



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