Beyond the Horizon | Chapter One: Onward and Upward
The following is the first lore chapter for our P2E game, Gooeys. Lore chapters will arrive once a week for three weeks each month, with the last week dedicated to our Team Medium updates.
Be sure to check in often so you don’t miss out on the Gooeys world!
“Once upon a time, the Great Elder Goo sneezed and we all ka-thoomed out of his mask holes!” A squeaky-voiced, yellow orblet with a leaf crown wiggled madly atop a rock barely taller than her mess of equally wiggly friends.
The young Gooeys had spent the better part of the twilight imitating their mysterious village leader, Mushroomhead. As the oldest in the village, Mushroomhead often shared stories with the young ones about the age before their sacred lands were overflowing with Gooey civilization.
Watching from afar, a large green Gooey covered in mushrooms and grasping a tall, slender wooden staff, chuckled to himself and stroked one of his gnarled tree horns. Looking past the young ones, the sun hung low in the sky casting its reddened glow across the lush Stickweave Forest.
How long will fortune smile upon us? He thought to himself.
Heaving a contented sigh, he turned back toward his humble hut, draped with glowing moss and covered in masses of fungal overgrowth. As he lulled into his doorway, a slight twitch ran up his squishy arms.
Nothing seemed out of place at first glance, but the shadows within his hut seemed much darker than they should be — considering the fixture hanging from its ceiling containing a mound of glowing moss.
“Come out at once,” Mushroomhead commanded gruffly, tapping his staff on the ground for added oomph.
A purple-hooded orb bounced out as the shadows stretched, as if reaching to snap off Mushroomhead’s old horns.
“Master Mushroomhead. You are to be summoned immediately to the Palace Ruins,” the hooded Gooey’s voice was low, sinister.
Mushroomhead silently observed this Gooey’s adornments. He was reminiscent of the Droplet Society ilk, but his cloak was quite different than Mushroomhead had remembered. Gone was the familiar droplet symbol. In its place was the visage of the masks all Stickweave Gooeys bore with pride.
Sighing heavily, Mushroomhead inched forward. “I no longer belong to the Droplet Society, interloper. Please, leave my village be.”
“Alas I cannot Master. The Droplet Society is no more…”
“What do you mean? The Droplets have guided the Gooey race for ages!” Mushroom head perspired nervously.
“We are now the Royal Order of Amelie,” the hooded Gooey said, pride and reverence sweeping over his low tone.
“She is alive then?”
Mushroomhead said nothing for several minutes. His fingers drummed on the old staff, creating a series of uneven, hollow thuds inside the hut. The sun had all but set when Mushroomhead finally spoke again.
“If you have recovered and revived Princess Amelie, then I am compelled to make an appearance — however! In the event our dearest princess remains lost, then I will personally see to the dismantling of this ‘Royal Order.’”
A cold wind caused the hooded Gooey to shift in discomfort.
“We must leave at once then… Master Mushroomhead.”
The large and mossy chief Gooey cobbled together a satchel full of necessary items including: fruits to last a lengthy journey, several potions, a journal and his goo pen, and a stack of books.
Closing the door of his glimmering hut, Mushroomhead could not help but gaze at the young ones once more. A rabbit-eared blue Gooey was now atop the stone, shouting as loudly as he could and swinging a small stick.
Soon they will be telling stories of what’s to transpire, Mushroomhead thought as anticipation welled up in his belly.